How to Understand your partner in a Relationship


 One of the best thing in a relationship is to learn to understand your partner ,all of us what to be loved, seen, heard and understand but are we doing it in the right way ? No am sorry it hurt but am here for you now and am going to show you how to understand your partner and have a good relationship. 

An average man or woman want a partner who catered for them, who cherish their love, nourish it, so that it won't get malnourished. Understanding is quite important in any relationship for different reasons. The level of understanding you share with your partner will go a long way to determine how long and successful your relationship will be.

if you’re still struggling to know how to be a more understanding boyfriend or girlfriend in a relationship, this article will help you recognize, appreciate and practice this very important characteristic.

Here are ways to be more understanding in a relationship.


1. Take time to get to know your partner better.

The challenge of trying to understand another person lies in one’s inability to actually see them not just as a partner but also as a human being capable of different feelings and emotions. It’s impossible to truly learn how to understand someone if you don’t know them: their strengths, their joys, their fears, and also their imperfections.

As a partner, you have to take your time to get to know your partner better. It might take months or years but believe me it worth trying, especially if you want your relationship to last. Loving is different from studying your partner ,to love is much more easier but to know your partner better is not a day job ,you just have to keep pulling.

2. Allow your partner to live a life outside of your relationship.
Being an understanding partner means recognizing that your relationship is not the center of the universe and it goes the same with your significant other. In other words, don’t enforce your partner to make your relationship their number one priority and this includes giving them the freedom to just live and have fun, even if you’re not around. Some guys treat their partner like their young sister, they just give them command here and there which is not suppose to be like that, just because you are not used to something doesn't mean you partner should do the same,remember your personality is different.

3. Be aware of your own feelings and motivations.


Learning how to understand another person can be arduous if you don’t even understand yourself. How well do you know yourself? What are the things that make you happy, sad or angry? How do these feelings motivate you? How do they help you make decisions? If you know the answers to these questions about yourself, then it can be easy for you to look at your partner and understand their own struggle. It will help you to know when they are happy and when they need you to cheer them up.

4. Never impose your own ideas and beliefs.


No matter how much you cogitate that you are better than your partner in terms of experience, maturity or even intellect, never impose your own ideas and beliefs. Doing so will only leave you blind and unaware of how they truly feel. I also fall in this part once but before I could realize my mistake ,I have already lost the girl . Your own idea is only meant for you not for others, share your experience with your partner ,advice them but don't force them to follow your part. If you want to be an understanding partner in a relationship, you should realize that respecting your partner’s own convictions and accepting their own beliefs as a part of who they are is necessary if you want to keep your bond stronger.


5. Remember that you are not always right.


In relation being an understanding partner means listening to what the other person has to say. You are not always right and most of the time, trying to prove that your views, ideas, and judgment are more acceptable can hurt your partner more and can even lead to an argument instead of a resolution. When truth is been revealed it always leave an echos of pain, when you are wrong accept the fact that you are wrong.A good guy is one who know when to say sorry even if he is right, stop imposing your idea on your partner out of love.

6 Give your Partner Time to Explicate Themself.


When you think that your partner did something that made you feel angry, upset or disappointed, give them a chance to explain. Hear their side of the story and don’t be quick on your judgment. Sometimes, people in a relationship tend to choose anger and react to damaging emotional outbursts before actually talking to their partner.

7. Understand your partner’s intentions and motivations.
Learning how to be savvy to your partner especially when your partner did something erroneous is the most challenging things to do, especially if you feel hurt and betrayed. However, you have to find the strength and the love to listen, with full sincerity. Most importantly, you have to have faith in your significant other and give them the chance to understand their intentions and what motivated them to do so.

8. Help your partner learn from their mistakes.


Being understanding is one of the ways to fix an almost broken relationship. It will help you to understand partner even if your partner made mistakes, they deserve that second chance to prove herself/himself once again.

In this process, you have to do your part in the relationship by helping your partner to learn significantly from their mistakes. You have to be patient and understanding enough to give it another go. Most importantly, try to focus on their effort rather than their erroneous attitude.

9. Encourage your partner to be more open.
Not everyone knows how to put their ideas and feelings into words and this reality sometimes becomes a challenge especially in a romantic relationship. First of all, how can you understand someone if they don’t even know how to express their thoughts and share their feelings with you? In this situation, you have to be more patient.

Encourage your partner to be more open especially about the things that can directly or indirectly affect your relationship. This way, you’ll have the right and clear level of understanding about how you can deal with whatever unexpected circumstances that you’ll face every day as a couple.

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